Our History
Welcome to CCC Amazing Grace Parish (AGP)London, house of prayer where we bring our petition daily to our creator, The scripture tells us: “come unto me all that are heavily laden and I shall give you rest ” (Matthew 11:28): The Lord we serve is a faithful God He does not despise our prayer at the time of our needs (Psalm 22:24). He knows we are all sinners; He is a forgiven God and full of Compassion. I invite you to come and worship with us. Jehovah El Roi (God That Seeth) will answer your prayer Amen. There is no boring moment at the house of God.
Our days of worship as follows:
Tuesday – Spiritual consultation
Wednesday – Seekers service
Wednesday – Mercy Day Service
Friday – power day service
Friday – midnight prophet / prophetess
Sunday – The Lord Day service
Sunday – Evening service
Other service and program :
New moon service every 1st Thursday of the month
Jehovah El- Roi Evangelism Programme every last Thursday of the month
Shepherd in charge
Prophet John Martins